August 13-15, 2024 | Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale | 155 Temple St, New Haven, CT
Ruth Riddick
Coach, Trainer, Mentor
Sobriety Together
Session Title:
Teachers, Trainers, Facilitators, What's in a Name? How the multiple pathway educator navigates diverse goals, education styles & learning environments to enhance recovery
Session Details:
Education is an integral part of any recovery pathway. Good preparation makes for good personal and professional practice.
For more than two decades, CCAR has been authorizing individuals nationwide and abroad to deliver the Recovery Coach Academy, an education program offering three significant benefits: (a) Thirty hours exploring RECOVERY, an experiential value appreciated in any setting from in-treatment through recovery community organizations; (b) Theory and practice in three fundamental communications skills valuable for everyone active listening, asking good questions, discovering and managing your own stuff; and (c) Originally a distant third but now critically important for many, training credits towards third-party role certification in the behavioral health field where formal credentialing is required for Medicaid-billing.
In this presentation/workshop, which builds interactively on participant experience and values, we will explore the purpose and process of delivering recovery education. Using the CCAR RCA as an example, we will show how teaching, training, and facilitating all play roles in meeting the promised benefits, including that of the original tagline, "Transformed People Transform People."
What are you looking forward to most at #MPRCCT2024?
Spending time together talking about RECOVERY! What's it all about?

Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CARC 2015), Ruth Riddick practices as a coach, trainer, and mentor at Sobriety Together (founded 2004). She is an inaugural CCAR-designated Recovery Coach Professional (RCP 2016) and an RCP/facilitator (from 2022), a Council member of the International Association of Recovery Coach Professionals (IARCP from 2020) and a New York Association of Treatment Court Professionals Board member (NYATCP from 2022). A familiar face at CCAR conferences, she is a nationally recognized recovery/training expert with a portfolio of original workshops and additional expertise in professional certification.
Most recently, she served on the SAMHSA Technical Expert Panel for peer certification (2023) and codeveloped original role training curricula for NYS peer certifications in Family (2019) and Youth (2023). She is designer and co-founder of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry and co-author of its Member Standards of Practice. Widely published, her work has been honored in the recovery community and in the behavioral health field.